Software Hubs

Download FastPictureViewer 1.6 Build 221 (32-bit)

FastPictureViewer, an image viewer designed for photographers. Now with powerful workflow tools helping to automate file management duties like copy, move, delete, save-for-web and more.FastPictureViewer Professional helps iStockphoto inspectors cut through some of the 1/4 million new images they get every month, as well as photographers and imaging professionals all over the world, ranging from photo enthusiasts culling their weekend pictures to analysts reviewing consumer behavioral studies made of millions of images, also helping wedding photographers, picture editors and print shops do their image selection tasks more efficiently on 5 continents.

Feature of FastPictureViewer
•Fastest RAW viewer ever. Period.
•Instant zooming to 100% view, for quick sharpness checks. Best in industry!
•RGB histogram, EXIF shooting data and Adobe XMP Rating/Label/Urgency instant display.
•Instantaneous display of the next image in line (when computer resources allows).
•Instant industry-standard Adobe XMP compatible rating and tagging.
•Fast tethered shooting through MTP/PTP. Tether a Nikon D3S or D3X in 64 bit, today!
•Supports most common image formats, including Adobe DNG, plus specialists formats such as OpenEXR, DDS, PNM and more, through separately installable image codecs.

Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP SP3, 32-bit or 64-bit

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