What is Nokia PC Suit?
Nokia PC Suite is a free application software package which is used to have an interface between Nokia mobile devices and computers that run Microsoft Windows operating system.By using this we can have a total control on the nokia mobile phone.It is a software developed by Nokia in particular for use with Nokia phones. Nokia Phone users can use of data on the device simple and easy. Nokia PC Suite to connect your phone to a desktop PC to synchronize data, backup, retrieve and install software, update software, share pictures and music between phone and PC.
Uses of the Nokia PC Suite
•It can Back up and restores the files of the phones.
•It is also used for Information transferring from phone to phone or phone to PC.
•It can also Synchronize the user phone and PC calendar.
•It allows you to edit files, pictures and contacts of the phone.
•It is used in Installing various Java based applications on the phone.
•It can also manage ring tones .
•It helps in playing multimedia files
•You can also send and see the text messages from your PC.
•By using it, you can connect your phone as a modem to connect the internet.
System requirements
Supported operating systems:
Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit editions
Windows Vista 32-bit and 64-bit editions
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP (Professional or Home Edition) Service Pack 2 or later.
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