Friday, March 14, 2025

Software Hubs

Edit PDF File Using VeryPDF PDF Editor 2.6

What is PDF Editor and its introduction?
PDF Editor is an application to edit and work with existing pdf files. After opening a pdf file you can use the pointer tool to select existing objects. PDF Editor is an easy-to-use application designed for users familiar with Microsoft Office and similar applications. VeryPDF PDF Editor provides tools to enable you freely write your own comments to the PDF document and share the comments with others. It also provides a very convenient way for you to add contents or change the text or add text in any font you like, especially in filling out electronic forms, correct spelling errors, delete words completely and so on. You can save, move, copy, paste and print the comments and contents. Convert PDF format files to Text files, BMP files, TIFF files, GIF files and so on. Create other format file to PDF.

1)You can also select multiple objects at once to modify all at once. Over the property editor at the bottom of the window you can change selected objects. For example you may change the font or edit the text of a text object.
2)You can call the picture editor to edit pictures or scanned files. At the right side of the window you find a color palette to change the text color and the color of line objects.
3)If no object is selected then you can call the page manager from the property editor panel to combine pdf files. Add, delete, move, rotate, resize or extract pages. You also find a function to add page numbers or headers and footers there.
4)The bookmark manager allows you to add new bookmarks or delete existing once. In the toolbar at the left side of the program you find tools to add new text and picture objects. Tools to add circles, rectangles, lines or freehand lines are found in the graphic object section. But you may also choose to add these objects as annotation objects which lay at the top of the regular document objects and can have an annotation message as property.
5)In the annotation section you will also find the functions needed to markup text (highlight, strikeout, underline). In the form tool section you find all tools needed to add new form fields (text fields, checkboxes, radioboxes, list fields and comboboxes). You can select existing annoation and form fields objects with the pointer tool to modfiy there properties (for example fill out a form field). Finally you find a tool to add links to the document and a function to define pictures as stamps so you always need only one mouse click to add a picture you need often.
6)You can use a grid to align selected objects when you need to move them. You may also display a ruler. If objects are selected you can move them arround, but if you click once on the selection you also have the option to rotate the select objects with the mouse.
7)You can encrypt or decrypt pdf files with the security settings under File/Properties. There you can secify a password an a set of limitations for the pdf file. You can export the pdf file as word or text file. In the edit menu you also find a function to search and replace text.

System requirements
•Microsoft Windows® 2000,XP,2003,Vista,7 or later
•PC Pentium 233
•128 Mb of RAM
•30 Mb of disk space

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