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Download Postbox 3.0.2

Postbox allow to a less time in managing you messages and more time in getting thins done. But what makes Postbox really useful is the way it lets you find and reuse all kinds of content hidden deep within your email. After all, it’s your email... make the most of it! The Inbox is where we communicate, store files and information, keep track of things to do, and everything in-between. But with so much going on, it's hard to stay on top of things. We built Postbox to make you better at what you do, by providing for the various (and sometimes crazy) ways you use email, and by making those behaviors work really, really well.

What's new in this version:
•Added a new trouble shooting panel under Help | Trouble Shooting... which makes it easy to restart in Safe Mode and along with other trouble-shooting options
•Add the ability to easily see the configuration data for Postbox by going to Help | Configuration Data
•Fixed an issue with the Windows 7 file picker
•Fixed an issue with the compose window not opening if the Send button is not in the toolbar
•Ultra-Fast Search
Postbox makes it easy to search for almost anything across all of your email accounts.
•Powerful Address Auto-Complete
The Addressing Widget will enable you to search for contacts by either first name, last name, or domain.

System Requirements:
Windows XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64

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