UltaVNC is free software which has a capability to display the screen of other computer on your computer via network or internet. The program allows you to use the other computer with your mouse and keyboard. This will help you to operate the computer of your customers. Suppose any of your friends has a problem in his computer in Delhi, you can operate and identify his computer’s problem from Bangalore by using the software viz. UltraVNC software. If you provide computer support, you can quickly access your customer's computers from anywhere in the world and resolve help desk issues remotely! With add-ons like Single-clicks even your customers don’t have to per-install software or execute complex procedures to get remote help desk supports. It means that you can work from remote desktop computer or remote desktop control as if you are sitting in front of your computer right from your current location.
Key features of UltraVNC
1) File transfer
2) Video driver
3) Optional Encryption Plug-in
4) MS Logon, Text chat
5) Viewer Toolbar
6) Java Viewer with File Transfer
7) Viewer Auto scaling and Server Side Scaling
8) Multiple-Monitors-support
9) Repeater/Proxy-support
10) Auto reconnection
11) Good performances and tons of other functionalists.
System Requirements
Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7
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